Contact UsUnit 26, Peartree Business Centre, Colchester CO3 0JNgrooming@buddiespetgrooming.com01206 767446Mon – 08.45am – 5.30pmTue – 08:45am – 7:00pmWed – 08:45am – 7:00pmThu – 08:45am – 5:30pmFri – 08:45am – 5:30pmSat – 08:45am – 5:30pmSun – Closed Please fill out contact form below to enable us to best help you.A member of our staff will contact you to discuss your needs and requirements. Full Name *Enter your full name. This field is required. Email Address *Enter your email address. This field is required. Phone Number *Enter your phone number. This field is required. Pet’s Name *Enter your pet’s name. This field is required. Type of Pet *Select the type of your pet. Select an optionDogCat This field is required. Breed & Age of Your Pet *Enter the breed and age of your pet. This field is required. Has your pet had previous professional grooming experiences? *Select if your pet has had previous grooming experiences. Select an optionYesNo This field is required. If yes, please describe any previous grooming experiences or concerns:Include details about any past grooming experiences, especially if they were negative or your pet had anxiety. How often do you get your pet groomed? *Select how often you get your pet groomed. Select an option4 weeks6 weeks8 weeks12 weeksLonger than 12 weeks This field is required. Does your pet have any specific anxieties or fears about grooming? *Select if your pet has any specific anxieties or fears. Select an optionYesNo This field is required. If yes, please specify:Brief description of your pet’s anxieties or fears. Is your pet reactive, nervous, or sensitive around other pets or new environments? *Select if your pet is reactive, nervous, or sensitive. Select an optionYesNo This field is required. If yes, please explain:Brief description of your pet’s behavior. Are there any health conditions or special needs we should be aware of? *Select if there are any health conditions or special needs. Select an optionYesNo This field is required. If yes, please explain:Brief description of your pet’s health conditions or special needs. Have you heard about our Desensitisation Program for nervous pets? *Select if you have heard about our program. Select an optionYesNoInterested in learning more This field is required. Which Grooming Services are you interested in? *Select the grooming services you are interested in. Select an optionFull GroomBath & BrushNail ClippingDesensitisation PackageCat GroomingTeeth CleaningAnal GlandsSpa Treatments for problematic skinSpa Treatments to reduce sheddingOther (please specify) This field is required. How did you hear about Buddies Pet Grooming Spa & Academy?Select how you heard about us. Select an optionRecommendationSocial MediaGoogleSignOther (please specify) Do you have any additional questions or specific requests for your pet’s grooming?Please include any questions or requests you may have. When Choosing a groomer, what is most important to you? *Select which is most important to you when choosing a groomer. Select an optionConvenienceCare & CompassionQualityPrice This field is required. Submit There was an error trying to submit your form. Please try again.Join Our Family TodayAnd Give Your Pets the Best CareContact us